Khan Lab School (KLS) Wichita, a non-profit school inspired by Khan Academy founder Sal Khan, implements innovative, student-centered education. Born out of Khan Lab School’s success in Silicon Valley, KLS Wichita expands outside the region, offering mixed-grade cohorts (4th-9th) at the Wichita Learning Lab. The school plans to extend to senior year as students progress through high school. KLS Wichita sees greater potential in students than society acknowledges. Embracing mastery learning, students collaborate, contribute meaningfully, and prioritize understanding over competition. They cultivate diverse interests and skills, showcasing achievements innovatively and shaping their own futures.
To hear more about our school and learning philosophy, feel free to reach
out to our school director, Kyle Ellison.
Khan Lab School
Khan Lab School (KLS) Wichita, a non-profit school inspired by Khan Academy founder Sal Khan, implements innovative, student-centered education. Born out of Khan Lab School’s success in Silicon Valley, KLS Wichita expands outside the region, offering mixed-grade cohorts (4th-9th) at the Wichita Learning Lab. The school plans to extend to senior year as students progress through high school. KLS Wichita sees greater potential in students than society acknowledges. Embracing mastery learning, students collaborate, contribute meaningfully, and prioritize understanding over competition. They cultivate diverse interests and skills, showcasing achievements innovatively and shaping their own futures.
To hear more about our school and learning philosophy, feel free to reach
out to our school director, Kyle Ellison.