Red Barn Child Care

8181 East Harry Street, Wichita, KS, USA
8181 East Harry Street Wichita Kansas 67207 US

We currently have a child care center in Wichita, Kansas. Our main goal is to make a true difference in the way child care is offered. We want the friendly, comfort of an in-home daycare, but the standards of a traditional center. Our staff must meet the highest expectations of a teacher. We run our centers with an emphasis on love, compassion, and learning. We focus on child-led learning and engaging every single person to provide the best care possible. In addition to the owners who strive to be actively involved, we also have program coordinators, directors, and on-call social workers. We start care  at 2 weeks to 12 years old at an affordable rate.

IMG_3012.PNG 5 years ago
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