5 Steps to Better Sleep


May is Better Sleep Month and no one understands the value of a good night’s sleep more than parents. We have all been sleep deprived at one point due to our precious little ones and know how a lack of sleep can impact our mental and physical well being. Getting enough quality sleep can make the difference between a positive attitude and a negative outlook on each day. While there are many factors beyond our control that affect our sleep, there are 5 simple steps we can take towards a more restful night. (Obviously these don’t apply to new parents who are in survival mode.)

5 Steps to Better Sleep:

  1. Stick to a consistent sleep schedule. Go to bed at the same time each night, and wake up at the same time each morning – even on the weekends. Sticking to a consistent schedule will help set your body’s internal clock so you will be able to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.
  2. Do a relaxing activity before bed. Relaxing activities help ease the transition from wakefulness to drowsiness. Try to avoid television and other media screens right before bed. Some research suggests that these can interfere with sleep. Instead, take a warm bath, practice deep breathing exercises, listen to soothing music, or read a book with the lights dimmed.
  3. Create a cozy sleep environment. Keep your room cool, dark, and quiet. Most people sleep best in a room that is slightly cool, around 65 degrees Fahrenheit. If there is ambient noise that can’t be eliminated such as a snoring partner or barking neighbor dog, use ear plugs or experiment with a sound machine to block the noise.
  4. Be smart about what you eat and drink. Consider eliminating caffeine after lunch or cutting back on your total intake. Avoid drinking too many liquids in the evenings to minimize trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Stay away from big meals in the evening, especially meals that are heavy and full of fat. High fat foods take longer to digest which can interfere with sleep.
  5. Get regular exercise, preferably earlier in the day. Regular physical activity has numerous health benefits and can help you enjoy deeper sleep. However, exercising too close to bedtime can energize and make it more difficult to fall asleep. Try to finish your workout at least 3 hours before your bedtime. It can take a few months of regular exercise before you notice the sleep benefits, so be patient.
Melanie Senn
Melanie grew up in Salina, KS and currently lives on the east side of Wichita with her husband of 5 years and their 1 year old son. They also have an energetic Pomeranian who is still adjusting to not being an only child. Melanie works full time as a Physician Assistant, but her background is in nutrition and she is also a Registered Dietitian. Even though she has degrees from KU, K-State, and Wichita State, she bleeds purple and cheers loudest for the K-State Wildcats. When she isn't working, she is usually making a huge mess in the kitchen trying new recipes or snuggled up on the couch with her boys.