To My Wife on Mother’s Day


To the Mother of My Children,

I struggled to find my direction with this Wichita mom’s blog post. I was going to write about my mother, which made sense to me at the time. I was going to go deep for inspirational words about mothers. I searched the internet for the history of Mothers’ Day. I was lost…until you told me what to do. You are always guiding me in the right direction.

Thank you.

Thank you for showing interest in me when we were in high school. This all probably would not have happened if you had not.

Thank you for accepting my proposal on you parents couch.

Thank you for saying “I Do”. Every year is better and better.

Thank you for being my best friend. Without you and our love, my life would not be as great as it is.

Thank you for making our house a home. We might be outgrowing it now, but all the memories we made will carry on.

Thank you for talking me into to a house dog. Franklin will be our kids’ first dog – the dog they’ll compare every other dog to for the rest of their lives.

Thank you for our beautiful children. I love watching you interact with them; they adore you.

Thank you for planning our family vacations.

Thank you for you taking so many pictures. Our children fight posing for you now, but it is worth every bit of patience to capture those moments.

Thank you for supporting me and our children.

Thank you for creating a business that allows you to express yourself and share your joy for newborns, animals, and families – at the same time being able to be there for our children.

Thank you.

These two words are so easy to say to other people, that sometimes we forget to tell the people we love.

Ali, our lives changed forever when we became parents. Our son and I may never live down the fact that you missed your first Mother’s Day because he was born two weeks after. I may have gotten to have Father’s Day that first year, but we will always make Mother’s Day as special as we can.

We love you,

Your husband and children

Alison Moore
Alison Moore has been growing roots in Wichita for over seven years now with her high school sweetheart turned husband, Andrew, and their three kids, three and under. She's a work-at-home mom that spends naptime editing away the beautiful families she captures through her premiere photography business and is constantly battling an overflowing laundry basket and too much dog hair on the hardwoods. She's blogged for the better half of a decade transparently sharing the natural ebbs and flows of life. She spends a lot of time wishing she'd gone to bed earlier the night before and traveling to Manhattan to brainwash her offspring to love K-State. So far it's working.