Baby Steps for Making Mamma a Priority

This is not breaking news…life is busy. Add children, work and just everyday craziness and sometimes we mammas put ourselves beyond last place.

It’s easy to let it happen and it’s even harder to stop the cycle. Before having a baby I thought I was busy. Now every night my husband and I look at each other and say where did the day go and how are we going to do this with 2 kids?!?

About a year ago, I realized I needed to make a change and work more on a little me time. I’m not just talking wine time with girlfriends or a quiet bubble bath. While those are CRITICAL and I do them as often as I can, I needed to focus on me, my health and what keeps me sane. Like you, I don’t have a ton of time to devote to myself, so I started with some simple baby steps.

Lemon water

   1. Warm lemon water in the morning
It’s an adjustment to having coffee first thing, but warm lemon water is supposed to help boost your immune system, improve your mood and aid in weight loss. I feel like it’s a simple way to stay healthy and takes very little time. My toddler and I squeeze a lemon every few days and keep the juice in the fridge. I warm up a mug of water every morning and then pour in the lemon juice. It’s recommended to drink it before eating. Sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn’t. Half of my battle is remembering to buy lemons! Click here to learn more about the benefits of warm lemon water.

2. Daily Stretching
I don’t know about you, but sometimes my body just hurts. I’m sure it has nothing to do with carrying a toddler around or constantly bending to pick up toys! So I take 5-10 minutes almost every day to stretch, which can reduce stress and pain. Click here for the benefits of stretching.

3. Dry skin brushingskin brush
I know it sounds odd, but I really love it. An online Pilates instructor I follow suggested it and I’ve done it daily for almost a year. Since starting, my skin feels great. I didn’t have dry skin this winter and the bumps on my arms are gone. It takes 2-5 minutes before you shower. With a special dry skin brush, you move along your body in a circular motion towards your heart. This takes off dead skin cells, improves circulation and boosts your immunity. It’s said to even help reduce cellulite…who doesn’t like the sound of that! Click here for more information on dry skin brushing.

4. Realistic workout goals
I finally accepted that I will not work out four to five days a week like I did before baby. I am now happy with one ‘hard’ workout a week and then finding ways to move my body as often as I’m able the rest of the time. Whether that’s stroller walks (thank goodness spring is here) or Pilates videos at home. Since realizing I can’t fit in everything, this helps me stay active while not feeling guilty for missing workouts.

5. Take time to do what makes you happy
For me it’s cooking, so I get to do this a lot because it feeds my family. My husband takes my son and leaves me alone in the kitchen. Whenever I take this time, I feel more relaxed and happy. So take what you love, no matter what it is and schedule time to make it happen. I couldn’t survive without my Google calendar!

I hope this helps give you some ideas on how to make yourself more of a priority. It’s hard to do. But ever since taking a few minutes every day to do something for myself, I’ve been a healthier and happier mamma.

What are some simple things YOU do to take time for yourself?

Kim Trinchet
Kim is a Wichita transplant who never planned to stay, but 15 years later she’s convinced Wichita is the perfect place to raise a family. She’s a wife to Jorge and a mama to Nico and Lucia. She moved here from the Chicago suburbs and works in the communications world. The rest of her time is focused on seeking out adventures with her little family. She also loves browsing grocery store aisles, reading cookbooks, iced coffee and wine. Kim’s trying to learn Spanish as well, her kiddos are bilingual and already speak better than she does!


  1. This article made me feel so Zen! I plan to check out that dry skin brushing suggestion, never heard of it before and sounds great.

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