Mammograms for Moms :: What to Expect Your First Time

What to expect at your first mammogramMy health has always been important to me. Growing up in competitive dance and gymnastics, I was taught to make positive choices for the well-being of my body — the body that allowed me to pirouette, leap, and power tumble with ease. This included wise food choices (well, for the 90s!), getting adequate rest, and ensuring good health by going to the doctor when warranted. As I transitioned into adulthood, these activities and habits took the form of going the gym and exercising consistently after long work days and eating whole, nutritious foods.

Fast-forward to my 30s and becoming a mommy. The body that allowed me to go leaps and bounds in competitions as a kid and hit the gym as a young adult now has a greater purpose. That is the job of keeping up energy despite sleep deprivation in the early months and now to chasing a high energy three-year old through this new world that is his oyster. He depends on me for not just developmental guidance but for physical safety. This requires running, blocking from danger, lifting, chasing…you name it, you get it! I wouldn’t have this any other way but what I realized was this — I am his ultimate protector right now. He needs me to be the strongest, healthiest mom I can be.
I have a history of cancer in the family and I know that prevention or early detection of health issues is key. So aside from establishing healthy habits in my home I need to keep on top of my personal health game to ensure I am always there to guide and protect. It’s no longer just about me, but taking the best care of him.

This October I took the steps to continue these habits by getting my fourth annual mammogram and I encourage all young mothers to do the same. Sure it sounds scary, but in all honestly it’s a little uncomfortable and awkward at the most. I’ll gladly take that if it comes with the clear conscious that a clean bill of health brings.

My personal imaging office opened a new location this year, and it’s better than ever before. What used to be an office located in the middle of a larger medical complex with many patients and several waiting “check points” turned
into a much smaller, personal experience. I parked just outside the front door, was greeted by the same familiar warm faces, and was quickly taken back for my imaging without having to sit and wait. My technician explained each step along the way and answered any questions I had, leaving me with concrete next steps of communication as I said goodbye and walked out the door. All in all it was a nine (yes, nine!) minute time investment. I had an 8:30am imaging appointment and was back in my car heading to the gym by 8:39am. A day later my “all clear” email was sent.

If I can leave readers with just one thought it’s this: our generation of moms is encouraged to pursue all realms of “self-care” during these early, busy years of motherhood. I truly believe we can be our best selves if we have the foresight to stay on top of our own health and handle any necessary treatments along the way with courage and proactivity because our littles depend on us so much.

Are you ready to get your first mammogram? Here are a few tips from my own experiences:

  • Shower the night before so that no products are left on your body in the morning the day of a mammogram
  • Do not wear deodorant or perfumed lotions to the appointment (I just threw mine in my purse for easy use right after)
  • If you have breast implants or a family history of breast cancer, ask about 3D mammography with better technology to pinpoint potential problems and get a better picture
  • Take a friend or take your mom! Go together, support each other, and know that you’re taking care of each other for your children.

Guest blogger Lauren is a mom in Wichita hoping to encourage awareness and proactivity for women during Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

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