Random Act of Kindness Day- Free Printable

February 17th is Random Acts of Kindness Day. While we should always be thoughtful and kind to others, it’s great to practice kindness and to “pass it on” to others today. As adults, we can think of a lot of ways to spread kindness to others. Buy someone’s order in the Starbucks line, help out a co-worker with that deadline, offer to watch your friend’s kids for the afternoon, or even grab some groceries for your neighbor.

However, we need to be a role model for our children on spreading kindness. They learn from example.

Children develop compassion through acts of caring and kindness towards others. As they grow, this attitude can guide their actions and behaviors in positive ways.

Being a caring and compassionate role model is the best method for teaching your children about kindness, and setting a good example is key to getting them to apply these values to their own lives. Plus any activity that can be made into a game is a win for kids!

Download the Random Acts of Kindness spinner and have your kids spread joy to others!

How to use:

  1. Download the spinner board
  2. Grab a pencil and paper clip
  3. Using the paper clip and pencil, have your child spin the spinner
  4. Have fun completing acts of kindness!

A blank ‘kindness spinner’ is also available if you kids want to add their own kind acts.

Have fun spreading kindness to others!

Anne Gegen
Anne and her husband, Ryan, live in East Wichita with their two boys, born in 2014 and 2016, and their dog, Lola. She taught second grade for six years before deciding to stay home with her boys. Anne is involved with her church and an active member of Junior League of Wichita. A transplant from Kansas City, Anne enjoys exploring Wichita with her family, finding fun and different activities to keep her toddler engaged. She is continually on the lookout for new restaurants to try and is always up for a glass of wine with girlfriends!