How One Minute Changed My Life

Sometimes the list of things to do can get a little overwhelming, and I don’t really know where to begin to tackle it. With busy school aged boys, my packed work schedule, and an active husband, simple tasks can pile up.

A couple of months ago, I learned of the concept of a “magical minute” from Gretchen Rubin. Basically, when a task requires one minute or less, it gets  completed immediately. That means that the pile of mail on the counter gets sorted and taken care of as soon as it appears. It means that the jug of juice goes right back in the fridge. It means that the wet towel goes right back on the rack.

I love that some of the little things that needed to get done now get done without spending any more precious time than they deserve. I started to think about how I could take this concept a bit further. I realize that the sense of accomplishment adds so much joy to my life, so when my To-Do lists fill up an entire page, I stop what I am doing, and look around for a 1 minute task that can get accomplished. It begins to shift the momentum in my day to be of completed tasks instead of never-ending projects. My joy of list making and simplicity inspired me to make a list of one minute tasks. My list includes:  wipe off the kitchen counter, fold the blankets in the living room and fluff the pillows, wipe out the bathroom sink, dump the recycling into the bin, spread up my bed, jot down the groceries needed for the next week, return a quick text, call the doctor to make that appointment, and deliver the items to the basement that are waiting at the top of the stairs. As my environment becomes less cluttered, my mind does too, and my productivity improves. 

My family has unwittingly been invited into my new way of life. We have started setting a timer with a minute on it, and we see what all we can get done in such a short amount of time. It seems like a never ending battle to get my boys to hang up backpacks and coats and deliver lunch boxes to the kitchen before they even set them down. I have them hand me school folders as we walk in the door, I look through them, sign agendas, and get them back in the backpacks before they even have a chance to ask for a snack.

Feeling more productive and less cluttered…now that truly IS magic!

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Amy Foster
Amy is a lifelong Wichita-area resident, with the exception of her college and grad school years. Amy has worked as a pediatric physical therapist for a local non-profit organization during her 22 year career. She married Brett, a youth pastor turned special education teacher and coach, and can be seen supporting Andover Middle School with her two boys, aged 13 & 11, only 18 months apart! They keep her occupied in athletic activities . When she isn't busy momming, she likes to walk her dog in her neighborhood, and do embroidery by hand.


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