3 Simple Cleaning Products Every Mom Should Have!

simple cleaning productsWhat smells come to mind when you think of “clean”?

Lemon? Orange? Pine?

Smell plays a large role in our perception of “clean”, but is smell really needed? When I first had kids, I bought any lemon, orange, pine, or bleach-filled product I could get my hands on – the stronger the better! However, I soon grew tired of lugging 14 different products around my house, not to mention the financial cost or the health concerns related to all those chemicals! I knew there had to be a more natural way, and after some diligent research I realized I could clean my entire home with 3 products I already had on hand. I also came to the conclusion that, while smells are nice, I don’t need them to feel like my home is truly clean.

So, what are these mysterious “natural” cleaning products that get almost any job done?


I know, you’ve heard it a million times, and it is all over Pinterest – but let me tell you: Vinegar really is a miracle worker! If you can’t get past the smell, simply take a few orange rinds and toss them in a jar filled with vinegar. Let it sit for a week or so , and you’ll smell citrus instead of vinegar! And, FYI, any residual vinegar smell dissipates REALLY quickly.

  • Glass Cleaner: Mix equal parts vinegar and water in spray bottle.
  • All-Purpose Spray: Mix equal parts vinegar and water, and add a few drops of a natural dish soap. I also love to add 5-10 drops lavender, eucalyptus, lemon or orange essential oils (and sometimes all of the above) to my spray. It’s a great cleaner that smells amazing!

Caution…it is usually not advised to use vinegar on granite. Check with the manufacturer. 

  • Drain Cleaner: Sprinkle baking soda down any clogged drain and add 1-2 cups of vinegar until it starts to fizz up. Let sit for 5 minutes and run hot water down the drain for a few minutes more.

Baking Soda

The cleaning power of baking soda is amazing. It’s super cheap (as is vinegar) and can be used multiple ways. I use it ALL the time!

  • Multi-surface Scrub: Mix 1 cup of baking soda with 5-10 drops of your favorite essential oil (I love lavender) put it in a clean Parmesan cheese container (minus the cheese of course). I scrub my sinks, bathtubs, showers, and toilets with it!
  • Tooth Paste: Okay, this is to clean your mouth and not the home but I had to tell you about it. This stuff cleans, freshens and whitens all at the same time. Mix 1TBS coconut oil, ¼ cup baking soda, 5 drops of peppermint essential oil and a little hydrogen peroxide together. Let it sit open as it will get sort of fluffy. Store in air tight container.

Microfiber Cleaning Cloths

My #1 must-have, can’t-live-without item! I can clean, dust, or scrub anything with a few good microfiber cloths. I use them ALL througout my day!

  • Cleaning Pretty Much Anything: Windows/counters/glass/sinks – microfiber cloths are probably the best product invented for cleaning in the last 20 years! Honestly, a good microfiber cloth really doesn’t require any cleaner. You can, theoretically, clean with just it and water. Try it!
  • Dusting: If you get any kind of oil on microfiber it will never come out and/or be the same again. So, if you plan to use any kind of oil to dust or polish, make sure to label that cloth! I usually dust dry or with a small amount of all-purpose spray on my microfiber and it works great!
  • Wash Cloths: Again, not just for the home. Microfiber is a fab exfoliator for your skin too! I have several cloths designated just for my face and body, and will never use a normal wash cloth again!

And that’s it! Three simple products every mom should (and probably does!) have on hand. They make cleaning a breeze and are easy on the environment AND your wallet!