“Mom, I love my special homework box because it feels like I’m solving clues for treasures!” This is what my now nearly-five-year-old said to me one of the last times we pulled out The Sound Case for a lesson. I feel the same way. He’s learned so much over the last several months working through lessons weekly as we completed The Sound Case. He’s been collecting all those clues, and now he has the treasure. That treasure being the absolute joy of pre-reading, and even reading.
When we started The Sound Case I would say he was doing fine with letter recognition. He could identify most, write or replicate most (with help), and tell us what sounds many letters make. Fast forward to today and he can identify, write, and produce the sounds for all letters. He can read a handful of words; he can read many, many more with little nudges and assistance. He has started keeping a “journal” and is obsessed with writing his thoughts, very hesitant to get help with spelling (and it is mostly read-able)! I feel very confident where he is in regard to reading and how he’ll continue to grow during the remainder of Pre-K and going into Kindergarten next year. I definitely credit The Sound Case with expanding our tools to make sure he had a strong pre-reading and reading foundation.
While my son hasn’t been diagnosed with dyslexia, we found The Sound Case curriculum to be such a positive, interactive, and buildable program that it could surely help learners of all abilities. As an adult with dyslexia I am encouraged that there are tools and resources that can assist the next generation of readers find the treasure of reading.
The instruction from The Sound Case was a commitment of time and energy for my son and me. The journey isn’t over, we still have years of boosting his reading skills, but I am so very grateful that at the foundation are the clues and tools that he learned from engaging with the research-based instruction within The Sound Case. While we’re technically finished with The Sound Case, I’m certain we’ll be pulling out our alphabet mat, See ‘N Read Deck, and other tools that help him unlock the clues to reading in the future. My favorite treasure we unlocked during this process is his reading confidence; I love seeing the joy he is getting from reading!