Samantha Jacob

Samantha Jacob
Samantha is a Kansas girl through and through. Born and raised in a rural community near Topeka, KS, she moved to Wichita in 2002 to attend WSU. Obtaining her graduate degree from the Wichita State School of Social Work, she loves her job as a pediatric medical social worker. Samantha calls East Wichita home with her husband, two beautiful children, and dog. Having lived in Wichita for over a decade she has enjoyed rediscovering Wichita through the eyes of her children. When time allows Samantha enjoys spending time with friends, trying new restaurants, and re-watching episodes of the West Wing.

17 Not-So-Traditional Thanksgiving Recipes to Spice Up Your Holiday Spread

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.  Thanksgiving is the opening even to the holiday season. It is a time for us to slow down and gather with family and friends to reflect on all of...

How to BOO Your Friends & Neighbors This Halloween

<div id="mediavine-settings" data-blocklist-content-desktop="1" data-blocklist-content-mobile="1" data-blocklist-universal-player-desktop="1" data-blocklist-universal-player-mobile="1" You've Been Booed! Early one October night a few years ago, we noticed an unexpected pumpkin waiting for us as we were getting ready for dinner. Walking outside we...

Where to Get Your Ears Pierced in Wichita

As we were preparing for our daughter’s third birthday one of our first questions was what she wanted for her gift. To our surprise, without missing a beat, she announced she wanted to get...
Indoor Play Guide

Best Places for Indoor Fun in Wichita, KS

  And a huge thank you to Blast Off Bay for partnering with us to bring this guide to our community and share our favorite things to do indoors. Looking for things to do indoors in...

The Best Local Breweries in Wichita | Beer, Cider, and Delicious Food

The Wichita breweries and beer scene is an evolving landscape. Those may not have been words that you would have read even 5 years ago - but true beer enthusiasts (and novices) are able...

Where to Find the Best Charcuterie Boards in Wichita

Meat and cheese trays that consist of summer sausage, a block of cheddar cheese, and some wheat crackers are child's play compared to the amazing charcuterie boards that you can purchase around Wichita.  We...

105 Stocking Stuffer Ideas That Will Knock your Socks Off

I love Christmas shopping. I start early but believe me I do not finish early. One thing I often leave until the final hour is stocking stuffers, but not this year. Stockings are a...

Where to Get A Great Spray Tan in Wichita

We have all heard the risks of too much sun exposure. Everything from skin cancer to early signs of aging are reasons to avoid spending too much unprotected time in the sun. But there is...

How to Shop Local on Small Business Saturday (Wichita Mom Style)

>> Check out our ultimate guide to local holiday shopping << The holiday season is quickly approaching and with it brings the busiest shopping season of the year. In our family we love being able to...

7 Bingeworthy TV Show Podcasts You’ll Love

I love the way that great television can transport you to another time and place, providing an escape from your daily grind until those final credits roll.  Netflix and other streaming platforms have allowed...

How to Identify & Navigate What Brené Brown Calls “Terrible First Times”

I don’t know about you, but this last year was a year of firsts for me.  Some allowed me to stretch and grow and as I came out of the other side of the...

The Only Formula for Transitional Fall Fashion You Need

I want to believe that when the calendar tells me autumn has arrived it will bring with it cooler temperatures, but having lived in Kansas my whole life I know that this is not...

Taming the Tangles: Real Moms Share Their Favorite Hair Detanglers

When my daughter was born she had a full head of beautiful curly hair.  I remember thinking where did the curls come from and how do I manage those.  As she has gotten older...

5 Podcasts That Will Keep You Laughing

When my husband and I go on long road trips we love a good playlist as much as the next person, but often the music becomes too lulling and my husband will ask me...